A Dream Realized
Built with the intention to create a welcoming and relaxing hideaway for family and friends, Red Door Ranch Vineyards is the vision of Eric and Holly Morley. We discovered the Central Coast while attending a family wedding at Justin Winery in 1998 and immediately fell in love with the authenticity of the people and place where pretense is not on the menu. We also quickly came to appreciate the classic California landscapes, farming culture, wine history and promise.
Over the next many years, we became rooted in Paso. And thanks to the spirit of collaboration that defines our community, with many hands we planted vineyards, learned to farm, started and continue our winemaking journey.
We welcome you to share and pair our wines with your favorite friends, family and foods.

Why Red Door?
In an old early American tradition, a red door means “welcome.” If a family had a red front door, tired travelers journeying by horse and buggy would know this home was a welcoming place to rest. They could spend the night sleeping and relaxing before heading to their next destination. In many cultures, a red door also symbolizes luck, joy, and prosperity.

A Can of Paint
A red door was fitting for our goal of creating a welcoming retreat and memorable wines. Given the constant curve balls Mother Nature throws, having a bit of luck would help with farming. So with a can of red paint and an old oak wood front door, our namesake was born.